Monday, February 3, 2020

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Roses are red.
Violets are blue.
Sugar is sweet.
And so are you!

Make your own ''Roses are red'' Valentine's Day poem! To start, think of different colors and words that rhyme with that color. Make a list on a piece of paper.

Ex. Black - snack, Green - mean, Red - head, Blue - new...

What color did you pick out of your own list? Think of something that is that color. After writing ''Roses are red'' write a line using the color that you chose. Here is an example:

Roses are red.
Olives are green.

Now think of a third line for your poem.

Roses are red.
Olives are green.
Be my Valentine.

Finally, write a line using the word that rhymes with your color. My color is green so my word is ''mean.'' My finished poem looks like this:

Roses are red.
Olives are green.
Be my Valentine.
Don't be mean!

What does your finished poem look like?