Sunday, March 29, 2020

Mass, Volume, and Density

Here is a video that explains the difference between mass, volume, and density.

Mass is the amount of matter (or stuff) in an object.

There are three states of matter:

  • Solid
  • Liquid
  • Gas

Volume is the measurement of space an object occupies.

Density is the amount of matter within a certain volume.

An object’s density is found by comparing the object’s mass to its volume. If you have a rock and a wine cork that are exactly the same size, they have the same volume. But which one is heavier? The rock is heavier because it has more mass than the wine cork. The rock is also denser than the wine cork because it has more mass in the same volume. 

Here is an experiment to try at home!

Sink or Float?

What you will need:
  • A bowl of water
  • A bowl of corn syrup or vegetable oil
  • Several small objects like: a paper clip, a small coin, a raisin, a small rock, a cracker, a leaf (or whatever small objects you can find around your home)

Before you begin:
  • This experiment will test which objects will sink or float in the two different liquids (water and oil). 
  • Make predictions or guesses about what you think will happen. Which objects will sink in the water? Which objects will float in the water? Which objects will sink in the vegetable oil or corn syrup? Which objects will float in the vegetable oil or corn syrup?

What to do:
  • Place each small object into the bowl of water. Make a list of all the objects and write down if the objects sink or float.
  • Place each small object into the bowl of vegetable oil or corn syrup. Make a list of all the objects and write down if the objects sink or float.

After the experiment:
  • Were your predictions or guesses correct? Did some objects sink in one liquid and float in the other liquid?
  • Conclusion: If an object sinks in the liquid, that means that the object is denser than the liquid. But if the object floats, that means that the liquid is denser than the object!