Friday, March 27, 2020

Different Foods and Eating Healthy

Practice and study the different names of foods!

Practice different sentence structures:

I like...
I don't like...
My favorite food is...
My favorite fruit is...
My favorite vegetable is...
I prefer to eat...
I don't prefer to eat...

What is your favorite food?
What foods do you like to eat?

Here are different types of fruits!

Here are different types of vegetables!

Here is a video about why it is important to eat healthy:

This is a food pyramid. It is important to eat a balanced diet everyday. A food pyramid organizes foods into different categories, depending on how much of that category we should eat everyday. There are 6 different food groups. We need to eat the right foods in order to have lots of energy and to keep our bodies strong and healthy. What kinds of food do you eat to stay strong and healthy?

Here is an activity to help the students think about what types of foods they are eating everyday to eat a balanced diet: